Mineral Wells High School Math department seeks to enrich the lives of our students by engaging, rigorous, and relevant student-centered learning; every student, every class, every day.
Math Department
Mathematics Course Descriptions -- a brief description of each math course offered at Mineral Wells High School.
State Assessment
Algebra I Reference (formula) Chart -- the formula chart students are allowed to use on EOC STAAR test
Algebra I Performance Level Descriptors -- the criteria to reach the three levels set by the state based on Bloom's Taxonomy.
Homework Help
There is a math teacher available 30 minutes before school and 30 minutes after school every school day. Even if it is not your teacher, any math teacher can help you with any course.
GOOGLE CLASSROOM/CANVAS: This is the first place you should always look! Teachers will post videos and other reference materials along with information about the assignments here.
Khan Academy -- a free website that covers SAT preparation for math, reading, and writing. It has a complete test with worked-out examples
and extra practice for each section. It also has step-by-step videos for many math concepts and/or topics.
Purple Math -- a website dedicated to showing step-by-step solutions for any given topic.
DESMOS GRAPHING CALCULATOR: Every student has access to the Desmos graphing calculator on Classlink (on their Chromebook) for calculator work outside of class.
Learning Express -- a free resource on Classlink. (You have to click on the Library Resources icon and then on Learning Express) This site has free EOC Algebra I practice, PSAT practice, as well as ACT, SAT, and TSI.